Saturday, 21 March 2009

Holywell Iceland Gull

Been ill since Tuesday due to my mothers shoddy cooking, couldn't stand being in the house anymore so off I went to Holywell. I went via Earsdon pit to see if the Little Owl was about, unfortunately it wasn't, although a Chiff Chaff was singing from the willows. Saw a couple of Yellowhammers between here and the Pond but not much else.

Quite a few people out walking although no one was in the key hide, opened shutters, checked book, a Iceland Gull and Common Buzzard had been seen at 11:00, this was 14:50, put bins up and there was the Iceland just flying round the pond, a nice Juv and my first for the area. It was gone within minutes. On the water there was 3 Canada Geese, Pair of Great Crested Grebes, 14 mallard, 28 Tufted, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Female Goldeneye, 9 Wigeon, 4 Teal, 6 Pochard, 7 Coot, and 5 Moorhen. A pair of Greylag were in the field. The feeding station was busy with Water Rail, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Long-tailed Tit, Blackbird, Robin, Dunnock, Wren, Pheasant and a cracking Male Reed Bunting.

Also about were Jackdaw, Carrion Crow, Woodpigeon, 1 Snipe, 1 Bumble Bee, and 2 Peacock Butterflies.

Sorry no pics this time.


  1. Hi Cain

    I'm just wondering where the best place to see the little owl is?



  2. Hi. Thanks for letting me in. ;-)

    Good blog you have going here and its tempting me to start one of my own.
    I must get back down to Holywell soon. Walking down from there to the coast is my favourite local walk with so much variety.

    I 'm wondering if you are referring to the L Owl in Backworth, or is this another one?


  3. Hi Brian

    I think you should start your own blog:p and yes we are referring to the Little Owl in Backworth,

    Cheers Cain

  4. Thanks Cain. I've yet to see that owl so will have to get around.

    Ok, I might start one if I can get to grips with the technology. :-)

    I'm pleased to see you recovered from your mothers cooking and that you're back birding. :-)
