Today started early, leaving the house at 05:30am and heading into the Pennines. Arriving at our destination the characteristic sound could be heard straight away, the bubbling of 20 male Black Grouse at their lek, 3 females were also present. I always find the atmosphere amazing on moors in the morning, when all its inhabitants make themselves heard, Curlew, Lapwing, Meadow Pipit, Redshank, Skylark, Red Grouse, and Golden Plover could all be heard in the vicinity of the lek. It was great to see so many Black Grouse, the most I've had at this site.

Had a Booths breakfast in Penrith, and we headed back out, this time heading South to Leighton Moss. The glorious weather saw us sitting a Warton Crag watching the Peregrines, and Ravens (with chicks) for the majority of the afternoon, but we also made a visit to the reserve.

A couple of Pheasants were coming really close, but unfortunately I only had the 100-400 lens.
The day finished with 3 Long-Eared Owls up on the moors again.