Friday, 2 July 2010


Just a quick heads up. If anyone had a quiet, relaxing walk on the cards for tomorrow its advised to avoid Holywell, especially the hides. As mentioned in my last post, I have planned a program to allow my Scout troop to gain their Naturalist Activity Badge. The program started last night, with an introduction to the natural world. Fourteen scouts are participating in the program, and will be experiencing the wonders of Holywell pond and Dene tomorrow, with the main subject being collection of field notes, but also to show them what can be found on their doorstep, and for the majority, what their missing out on.

The weather forecast is promising, and the scouts have the interest, it should turn out to be a great day.


  1. Good on ya Cain ! Environmental education is VERY important.

    My interest in wildlife and the environment developed at an early age, much of this was through more experienced adults taking me out and showing me stuff....... Spending time with people I looked up to, and being made aware of the amazing wildlife that lives all around us, got me hooked for life.....

    Have a good weekend !

  2. just been down the dene tonight pleased to see two young barn owls at the old tree stump stretching there wings they sat and watched me for a couple of mins before disapering back into the nest anyone with a half desant camera would get some lovely shots there

  3. Hi Gary, weekend went great, think some kids were hooked just need it to spread now, hopefully I'll make a difference :)

    Hi Kev, thanks for the heads up, really chuffed that they have young I've been watching the pair but haven't been able to get down over the last couple of weeks.
