Back in April myself, Ciara Laverty , Rachael Laisney and Steven Williams embarked on a trip to Ardnamurchan, Britain's most Westerly point. Our two week expedition can be re-visited here. Here's a couple of my favourites.
This Pied Wagtail kept me company one afternoon whilst I waited in the hide, for the tide to retreat.

In May I went on a family holiday to Loch Maree, we stayed in a cottage near Poolewe, on the River Ewe, the Lochs seaward outlet. This was the first time we've stayed here, with only one previous visit to Gairloch when I was a lot younger. It didn't disappoint.
This was our view from the cottage.

Renowned for its Black Throated Divers, I was keen to see them, but never expected one to swim past the cottage.

The nearby Ash, Birch, and Oak woodland held Wood Warbler, Redpoll and this Spotted Flycatcher, who visit the garden almost everyday.

June saw me following the local Sparrowhawks. Although I follow this family every year, this was the first time I photographically followed them raising their young.

Unfortunately this was the last image I took before heading off to the Isle of Mull. I'm hoping to follow the chicks to fledging this coming year.

But before I did head off, I bumped into this Dipper, the first confirmation of breeding in the Dene for a good few years now.

And this character in the large meadow at Holywell Pond, in full bloom thanks to the sheep.

On to Mull, with this pair of images, taken on my first day !

Two weeks were spent on the Isle, volunteering with Sea Life Surveys and Ewan. A brilliant two weeks on an amazing Isle.

Oh and I made a mate at the chip van.

The couple of weeks following found me at the RSPB's Loch of Strathbeg as a residential volunteer.

August I was back on patch. The subsidence and rainfall allowed for a perfect wader scrape to form, so I spent my time lying down.

Come October I found myself back at the Loch of Strathbeg, volunteering again but this time to produce a promotional film for the RSPB's Goosewatch events. More to come about this in the near future.

The year rounded off with me when I visited the Desert Wheatear at Newbiggin.

Wish you all a Happy New Year :)